Shooting Artist Live

Interviewing artists and their clients
Browse Artist

Following The Best Cover Artists & Bands On The Planet

Hey, what’s up? I’m Stone founder of Band Box Live. I’ve been shooting video for about 15 years, and lemme tell ya– I’m also a musician and ran my own band, The Risse Band for 36 years. In my opinion, working in the music industry is one of the most exciting and rewarding thing you could ever do. BandBox Live is here to help showcase your hard work.

BandBox Live showcases cover artists or bands in the market environment that they serve. After seeing many thirty second shaky phone videos shot from the stage by musicians on Facebook, I often wondered what these groups really sounded and looked like. With that in mind I created BandBox Live.

Discover how amazingly fulfilling it is to work alongside talented musicians and singers combining their creative energies together to make something truly special that’s greater than the sum of its parts. Believe me, it’s an awesome feeling.

So although this site is relatively new, and the available resources are a bit limited for the time being, I’ve got some BIG things in the works. Lots more premium-quality content is being created as we speak. With that being said, thanks for reading, and please let me know if there’s anything I can ever do to help you on your journey.

We’re building a worldwide community here, and we’d LOVE for you to be a part of it. I can’t wait to show you all the cool stuff we have in store!

Want to showcase your band it’s really simple. Your group needs to be playing in the Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina area or within 100 miles radius. For specific details click here.


I’m a Ableton Live Enthusiast, Adobe Evangelist, photographer, videographer, graphic designer, web designer (WordPress), licensed FAA Drone Operator and musician (keys).

After leading a cover band, The Risse Band, for 36 years I have decided to indulge myself with my other passions. I look forward to working with many talented experienced artists and musicians to help you develop Digital Press Promo.

I believe that every entertainer needs digital press promo. I am embarking on a mission to fulfil that need.