Meet Bands Live

Actual performances and interviews

Find the perfect band for your event. Find performances and interviews

What is Band Box Live?

Band Box Live will help artist and bands develop promotional materials in the arena of today’s internet world were people are greatly vested in visual presentation.  The Band Box Live space will present interviews and live performances of artists and bands that agree to have such material presented.

Initial video shoots and interviews are shot free of charge. ( Your group must be playing in the Raleigh Durham-Chapel Hill, NC area – MORE INFO) Should performers wish editing of raw materials charges will apply.

Band Box Live specializes in promotional video, photography, and mobile websites for performers.

Event planners, presenters, wedding planners and brides want the best and most complete information they can before booking or picking the entertainment for their events. A promotional video is one thing, but a live event video and composite promotional photo speaks volumes. 

Does your band feature different components?

Many groups have duos, horn sections, string sections and smaller group sizes. They list it with clients, but no promo material to show it in action. Let Band Box Live help you out.

Everything We Can Do For You As An Artist In Need Of Promotion 

Composite Photography

Let take individual photos of each band member and blending the best of  those into into one great promotional shot. See How It’s Done!

Mobile Band Sites

Everyone checks your site out on their mobile these days. wouldn’t it be great to have your website super mobile friendly and downloadable to a person’s mobile device. See How It’s Done

Drone Photography-Videography

A new perceptive and angles with a drone. Great for outdoor events. It will allow you to use completely new angles for taking event photos and realize the craziest ideas for a photo session

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